holidays is one of the seasons most intense and emotional for children. In households that have experienced a recent separation , we must be careful so that these feelings do not become negative .
All kids love holidays, yet when the family lived apart , holidays becomes a time of year rather delicate . For parents are pretty tough few dates .
Children and Divorce holidays
Depending on the age of the child, the period of divorce can affect in different ways. All these symptoms are accentuated in holiday periods :
Children up to 3 years tend to be more irritable, and in some cases overcome behaviors such as repeated wetting himself .
Children 3-5 years many have anxiety, do not want to go to school or even prefer sleepovers .
Children from 5 years : they may believe they have to choose between their parents , or because of the situation.
Older children: not uncommon for parents reproach the situation.
At a time like holidays that children have always lived together as one family , parents must organize and bargain peacefully periods for all this does not get worse .
Parents Children and holidays
In this first year of separation , the child needs holidays and holiday more than ever. Parents should strive to follow at this time with the child celebrating holidays : decorating , go to holidays markets , continue family dinners.
Parents should avoid being low morale , and not to do " gift war " between parents , to prevent parent relationship with the child becoming more materialistic .
If parents have joint custody, according to law, holidays is divided into two periods , alternating from one year to another :
holidays Eve and holidays .
New Year and kings .